21 basic words to learn in Croatian
Aug 11, 2023
When traveling to Croatia for the first time, it's helpful to know some basic Croatian phrases and expressions to make your trip more enjoyable and to show respect for the local culture. While many Croatians in tourist areas speak English and other languages, making an effort to speak some Croatian can go a long way. Here are some useful phrases:
1. Hello - Dobar dan (DOH-bahr dahn) - Good day (used from late morning to early evening)
2. Good morning - Dobro jutro (DOH-broh YOO-troh)
3. Good evening - Dobra večer (DOH-brah VEH-chehr)
4. Good night- Laku noć (LAH-koo nohch)
5. Please - Molim (MOH-leem)
6. Thank you - Hvala (HVAH-lah)
7. Yes - Da (dah)
8. No - Ne (neh)
9. Excuse me / I'm sorry - Oprostite (oh-PROH-stee-teh)
10. Do you speak English? - Govorite li engleski? (GOH-voh-ree-teh lee EHN-gleh-skee?)
11. I don't understand - Ne razumijem (neh rah-ZOO-mee-yem)
12. How much is this? - Koliko košta ovo? (KOH-lee-koh KOSH-tah OH-voh?)
13. Where is...? - Gdje je...? (gd-yeh yeh)
14. Bathroom / Toilet - WC (VAY-SAY)
15. Water - Voda (VOH-dah)
16. Beer - Pivo (PEE-voh)
17. Wine - Vino (VEE-no)
18. Menu - Meni (MEH-nee)
19. Food - Hrana (HRAH-nah)
20. Cheers! - Živjeli! (ZHEEV-yeh-lee)
21. Help - Pomoc (POH-mohts)
Learning these basic Croatian phrases will help you navigate your way around, interact with locals, and make your trip to Croatia more enjoyable. Croatians will appreciate your effort to communicate in their language, even if it's just a few words.
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